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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Oprah Winfrey Presents Mitch Albom's for One More Day

Customer Review: A Cut Above Other TV Movies
Scenes of a man's life play out in many flashbacks, capturing crucial moments that help explain why he is the way he is today. You're probably well aware that this movie involves a mother-son relationship, but it also just as importantly covers father-son and father-daughter. If you are an adult, it has the potential to break your heart, and/or inspire you to treat the people in your life better, including treating yourself better. Or it might just make you feel uncomfortable. Because of the modern day daughter in the movie, teenage girls will probably relate the most to this movie, as it gives them a peek into figuring out why their dad acts the way he does. The movie is a bit slow and seems to be geared more towards women. I think they hired the actor from the Sopranos to try to attract more men viewers. A movie like this is designed to make you stop and think about your own life (with a little supernatural gimmick thrown in for creativity). It's not as effective as say, "It's a Wonderful Life," but what is? Being an adult man, I personally enjoyed the similarly-themed movie "The Family Man" with Nicolas Cage more than this movie. But the themes are always worth repeating, and getting slightly different takes on. If you can handle that it's a bit boring, slow, and predictable (in my opinion), I still recommend it. As far as film adaptations of Mitch Albom's books go, I would list "Tuesdays with Morrie" the best (by far), "For One More Day" second best, and "The Five People You Meet in Heaven" third place. Maybe Mitch Albom should try and find some more inspiring non-fiction stories to write. Until then, we are treated to these slightly manipulative, although thankfully non-trashy, works of fiction.
Customer Review: Michael Imperioli Proves He Is More Than Christopher Moltasanti!!
Well before THE SOPRANOS came on the scene in 1999 and made a serious impact on pop culture and television, Michael Imperioli, who skillfully played the complex and sociopathic nephew of Tony Soprano, Christopher Moltasanti, had established himself as a very good character & supporting actor who could hold his own against many well-known actors and actresses. He's also turned in some good performances where he was the featured actor which didn't get as much notoriety as his work with The Sopranos. Soon after that unforgettable series ended in 2007, he teamed with Oprah Winfrey to do this television movie "For One More Day", where he does an excellent job and shows that he is so much more than a common mafia crew member. He brings such a depth and passion to his character and veteran actress Ellen Burstyn shines in this too! I don't want to give the story away, but this is a good movie that kind of went under the radar when it came out. A good addition to your DVD collection.

As I stand there with other coaches were just talking about stuff, baseball and non-baseball, and just watching the players from both teams playing catch, soft toss, whatever.

Baseball Tips - Catchers - You Never Know Who's Watching You

Chico Reese has been closely involved in youth baseball, softball and High School Baseball over the last twelve years and enjoys working with young catchers.

For excellent Catching instruction, drills, training and other valuable baseball tips, consider the following sources:

Infield Practice
You want to look sharp here, more than when you were warming up. Usually the first thing the coach does for infield practice is what? Many times hell say, All rightthrow it around! Let's go! As youre going around the horn a couple of times, look sharp, energetic and ready to go. The worst thing you can do is look lazy and throw the ball away or bounce it in front of fielders numerous times.

The things that I mentioned above are some baseball tips that you don't get all of the time. Just remember, catchers, try to look sharp and quick, both with the arm and feet at all times, or at least most of the time. If you're a prospect, believe me, it's hard to spot scouts and know that they're out there. You just never knowyou never know who's watching you!

Warming Up, Just Getting To The Field
I already mentioned this, but this is real important. Always look good here. Dont look lazy, like you dont want to be there or its too hot, too cold, whatever. When youre warming up the legs stretching and running, do this like there is a purpose for it. When you are warming up the arm, you dont want to be throwing rockets of course, but look good, look sharp and dont look lazy. Its true what they say, the first impression is big.

When the coach begins infield practice, you probably are already aware that the opposing coaches are watching youthey always check out the other catcher to see what kind of arm he has, right? So answer their question with strong throws.

When our team gets to the field before a game, we are usually there 1 hours before the game. The other team gets there around the same time or just a little bit later.

Here's another benefit of making coaches aware of you early, right from the start. Show your stuff right away and you might be able to get through a game with a sore arm without having to use it, just because the opposing coach determined before the game that you were going to be tough to run against.

Beginning Of The Game Warming Up The Pitcher
So now your team takes the field. You're warming up the pitcher. Again, the opposing coaches are usually focused on the pitcher and you, the catcher. This is where you really want to look like you're ready to go.

  • Balls snapped back to the pitcher, no softball arcs.
  • Don't look lazy, look like you want to play.
  • If a ball is in the dirt, block it. Don't whiff at it and let it go to the backstop. Show the other coaches that you can block too.

Opposing coaches are now making real assessments, both conscious and subconscious, about your ability to gun someone down, block balls in the dirt and generally how good a catcher you are. It determines what a coach decides about:
  • Stealing or not in critical situations your arm and footwork make him think more about this.
  • Bunting again, if it's critical, your arm and hustle makes the decision to bunt a little harder.
  • First and third, two out the other coach is a little bit afraid that you'll get the green light to throw. Sometimes this decision can be based strictly on what that coach saw of you in warm-ups and in infield practice.

Also, runners, because they've watched you too and have been told by the coaches to, "Watch the catcherhe's gotta gun", become hesitant on the bases. Sometimes, you'll block a ball nicely, the runner takes off but sees that you're going to get to it and pauses, hesitates. Here's where sometimes you can get a runner hung up between bases. Do this one time early in a game and there's a chance no one else will run on you the rest of the game. Weird, but true.

Heck I've seen teams not try to steal against a catcher and I swear it was only because the kid hustled and blocked the ball extremely well and simply snapped the ball back to the pitcher. He just looked like he'd gun a guy down at second if the opposing coach gave the steal sign.

So, as a catcher, here are some baseball tips that you should really keep in mind and try to make a practice of doing as soon as you get to the field for a game. The point I'll be trying to make is that even though you dont know it, or dont think so, somebodys watching you!

Baseball Tips - Catchers - You Never Know Who's Watching You


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